Jul 27, 2017
BTM GWR Loved One
Gaming With Rico Presents and interview with Shonna Bedford And Gary Stoneberg.
We review a movie that touches on a sensitive and compelling topic that may be considered taboo in our society. This interview pulled at our deepest feels.
Facebook Shonna: https://www.facebook.com/poetchik
Facebook Gary:
Jul 26, 2017
BTM Yoinkable -
BTM "Yoinkable" - Language is a living thing. Coined 6/26/17 by Scott Troiano. He will use it at cons & on his podcast, Gaming with Scott. Definitions 1 & 2 will spread particularly at Gen Con 50. Definitions 3 & 4 will be added with corruption investigations & prosecutions in Washington, D.C. 2017-19....
Jul 25, 2017
FW s01e14 Rawhide The trail is dusty and the package is not happy. #Fantasy #Adventure #dandd #Pathfinder #RPG
Join our Fantasy Adventure group as they continue down the dusty Trail. We see that package take on a life of its own and fear that an entire town may be destroyed by its wrath!
Thanks for listening! You can...
Jul 19, 2017
FW s01e13 Special Delivery #SideQuest Our #Fantasy #Adventure takes us north to deliver a special package! #dandd
Thanks for listening! You can reach us at the following:
Feel free to drop us a line with feedback or questions on email: Feedbackt@gmail.com
On Facebook at: http://www.facebook.com/GamingWScott
On Twitter:...
Jul 19, 2017
BTM FW Open Mic Night Comedy Jason Joins! But he doesn't have the tweets. #free #rpg #podcast #dandd #Pathfinder
Thanks for listening! You can reach us at the following:
Feel free to drop us a line with feedback or questions on email: Feedback@gmail.com
On Facebook at: http://www.facebook.com/GamingWScott
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