Apr 30, 2015
Our Team meets, unites for a common cause, and begins their path to becoming a working group. There is some friction, and some hurdles. We have a loner, who starts to find his place. When suddenly, up, in the sky, it's a bird, it's a plane, it's...
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Apr 23, 2015
We talk to Josh E and get to know him and his character. There are some struggles with the power set. He talks about his contacts and how it feels to pull someone into the Marvel Universe someone who only exists in DC!!!! The story line is compelling and will surely unfold as events get under way. Be Bold, fans of...
Apr 20, 2015
This is a short episode where I explain the system we used to select the powers for my Marvel Live play characters. We sat down and rolled up characters using the system outlined in this podcast. It is a short listen, but it is one of those things that you can stash in the back of your mind for when the system tells you...
Apr 16, 2015
We meet John Garlic and learn how he lives in a world of social injustice and his hopes for righting the wrongs that still plague our society after 150 years. He struggles with the burden of changing history and helping make the world in which we live today! He got so far and changed things for the better. But at what...
Apr 9, 2015
We discuss what a truly random character is, how to adjust and create a story from there, and how to handle adapting to a party from the standpoint of a random injection point. We discuss the fact that Marty is likely the most comic savvy character of the bunch and how he will fit in. The expectations are high and...