Apr 20, 2017
MLP S03e08 Arrogance
#MLP S03e08 Arrogance: Wells finds that the rulers of the universe are more arrogant than he is! #rpg #free #marvel
Join us for another grand adventure as our heroes save the galaxy!
Thanks for listening! You can reach us at the following:
Feel free to drop us a line with feedback or questions on...
Apr 18, 2017
#FW s01e07 Radish #juggles things #Fantasy #adventures many things: Enemies, friends, Live and death! #rpg #dandd #pathfinder
Join us for a thrilling RPG live play!
Thanks for listening! You can reach us at the following:
Feel free to drop us a line with feedback or questions on email: gamingwscott@gmail.com
Apr 6, 2017
#MLP s03e07 The Diplomat Amoung Us - Wells Reaches his rightful place on Earth! #Marvel #free #rpg #podcast
Thanks for listening! You can reach us at the following:
Feel free to drop us a line with feedback or questions on email: Feedbackt@gmail.com
On Facebook at: http://www.facebook.com/GamingWScott
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Apr 5, 2017
#FW s01e06 Werewolves The #Fantasy #Adventurers find something #secret about Ludenfeld! #dandd #pathfinder #rpg
Titus does...well. It's #CucumberDude
Thanks for listening! You can reach us at the following:
Feel free to drop us a line with feedback or questions on email: gamingwscott@gmail.com
Apr 3, 2017
HOTP Devious Weasel Games WYV17
Special Guest: Jim Felli!!!!!
Website: http://deviousweasel.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DeviousWeaselGM
HOTP Devious Weasel Games WYV17
#HOTP @DeviousWeaselGm #WYV17 We talk Zimbi Mojo and play the most
BEAUTIFUL game #Bemused releasing @Gencon!
This game is wonderful! It reaches...