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Aug 31, 2016

BTM #Stargate #Movie #Review We sit down and hash out the #1994 Classic: Stargate @RealJamesSpader James Spader, Kurt Russel, the movie that started the whole darned thing! JOSH HAD NEVER SEEN IT!!!! (Shame on now he has blown through 9 seasons of SG1 and loves it!


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Aug 30, 2016

In 4 days the saga begins! Stargate SG-10!!


We will be releasing Stargate SG-10 games on Saturday mornings for your weekend listening pleasure!


4 Days until the first Episode releases! Gear up, and head for the Gate!


Gaming With Scott!!!


#Stargate #SG-1 #SG10 #Free #rpg...

Aug 25, 2016

MLP s02e33 JOTUNHEIM Our Heroes battle on the frozen tundra of Jotunheim. One loses their shirt! #free #rpg #marvel 

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Aug 18, 2016

MLP s02e32 The Barrow and the Handle Fenris has a seat and gets a gift. Dr. Wells gets a farm implement! Come Join us for this episode that helps sort out what the heck is going on in Oklahoma! #free #RPG #Marvel #nowplaying

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Aug 17, 2016

SG10 #Vegemite Sandwich #StarGate #SG10 IS COMING! One of our crew has himself a (not so) tasty snack! #Reaction


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